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With thoughtfully curated articles, timely data releases, and a store stocked with ready-to-use data sets, this section caters to your data needs, empowering you to succeed in the dynamic world of data.

Materials is a hub offering insightful articles, fresh data releases, and ready-to-use data sets, providing essential resources for navigating the dynamic data landscape.

Our company information section provides comprehensive information about our services, pricing, team information, and contact details.

We aim to provide our visitors with all the information they need to make informed decisions about our services and build a strong relationship with our team.

This section provides information about our company, including prices, team information, and contact details.

Data Analytics Services

The famous proverb says, “who owns the information owns the world.” It has become especially true in the era of Internet technologies. Today it is essential not only to have the necessary information but also to analyze it correctly and make appropriate decisions based on it. Analytics services provider will allow you to do this work with the highest quality and speed and will not charge too much for its work.

Business development is impossible without regular market analysis. Only in this way can an entrepreneur understand what actions should be taken for systematic growth, competitiveness, and relevant services. Data consulting companies can collect all the necessary information for you, systematize, answer possible questions and make the right decisions.

Data Consulting Strategy

Before contacting our consultants, you need to formulate the questions that interest you first, to understand what goals you want to achieve in the cooperation process.

Data analytics service enable you to build information management practices throughout your organization. Depending on the characteristics of your company, you should create a strategy for organizing the collection of information and how to use it. It has the following advantages:

  • Improves the visibility and accessibility of info;
  • Integrate sources of information and eliminate silos;
  • Optimizes info collection and exchange;
  • Set clear guidelines and goals for info management.

Our analytic consulting group will help you build a profitable strategy based on the specifics of your company and its place in the market. It is worth saying that this is of strategic importance for business development. Of course, in the future, you will be able to change the strategy depending on emergencies, but the general line will remain.

If you are interested in data analytics services, don’t hesitate to contact our company’s specialists. This solution has many advantages:

  • You get answers to all possible questions;
  • A sustainable strategy is being developed;
  • Get more info and learn to make your own decisions based on it;
  • The rapid development of your business.

Using consulting data analytics, you can easily understand the general state of the market and, most importantly, the strategies that your main competitors are working on. Thanks to this, you can offer your customers more favorable conditions, new services, and many other privileges.

Our company also provides data management services, allowing us to analyze and manage and form information.

Our company employs qualified prominent big data analytics consultants who give advice based on their work experience, unique knowledge, and the features of your business. The main advantage of our company is a complete focus on customers, their real needs and wishes. Each client receives not only high-quality work done in a short time but also unique knowledge that will later help in making decisions.

Data-Driven Marketing Services

Data-Driven Marketing Services & Supply is a comprehensive suite of services that leverages data-driven insights to effectively promote your projects or services. These services include:

  • Data collection:
    • Open-source search (manual, algorithmic, automatic, parsing);
    • Premium-source search (manual, algorithmic, automatic, parsing);
    • Facilitation and collected data checking;
    • Analysis, classification, ranking, and scoring;
    • Shortlisting by given criteria.
  • Searching for influencers, investors, individuals, partners, celebrities, websites, sources, companies, employees, creators, etc.;
  • Cross-posting with brands and influencers for boosting recognition and merging audiences;
  • Mass outgoing communications (mailings);
  • Specific campaigns, direct media contact;
  • Mass systematic actions that resist automation;
  • Software automatization of mass systematic actions;
  • Ready-to-use inventory lists (packages of previously collected data);
  • Routine checks (periodic mailings, contact updates);
  • Q&A interviews (interviewing people from the list with an approved questionnaire).

In addition to Data-Driven Marketing Services, we offer task execution:

  • Guerilla Support (initial-stage post support);
  • Guerilla Acquisition (initial-stage post support, third-party service);
  • Conceptualization/concept plan development, product description;
  • Project marketing, planning, and budgeting;
  • Expert content marketing (expert articles, opinions, and insight);
  • SMM support (content creation for your social media);
  • Digests (all sorts of periodic reports supporting the main marketing campaign);
  • Traffic management (organic traffic generation, post promotion);
  • Competitive and product analysis;
  • Competitor marketing channel search and activity analysis.

Throughout all stages of work, we keep in mind that “all kinds of social media content is necessary and effective if the price is right for both parties involved.”

Our wide range of services enables you to pick and choose whichever options you require, while the flexible client approach aims to make the customer experience as smooth as possible, liberating you from the need to prepare a detailed marketing task list. Simply formulate your query, for example:

  • “I’m looking for influencers engaged in a specific area who have some time ago reviewed product A. I want Data40 Team to reach out to them with individual messages to secure more replies, find out how willing they are to cooperate, negotiate a price, make a shortlist, then contract the approved influencers, pay them, and check their work upon release.”
  • “I’m looking for investors who have purchased NFTs on in 2021. I want Data40 Team to contact each one with tailored messages, propose an interview, maintain dialogue, and deliver the commercial offer. If an investor accepts the offer, send them a gift.”


  • Transparent client billing (no hidden fees – you only pay for the net burn rate);
  • Access to a wide inventory collected by our team (which can be used in the future);
  • Direct contact, CRM formation (lower cost, faster communications);
  • Easy scaling (choose to process exhaustive data or divide it into blocks).


  • The results are not guaranteed;
  • Timing prediction difficulties;
  • You still need to make pricing decisions;
    • We can help with that!

How to get started?

Contact us at with a brief description of your project: its goals, current tasks, ad campaign time frame, and budget guidelines. We will study it, calculate the pre-offer, give a presentation call, then formulate a work plan together. Next we will assemble a work group and grant you direct access, so that you can make operational decisions at a moment’s notice. We aim for a flexible approach where you can regard our work group as your own private team of marketing professionals.

Web Research Services

Creating software is a rather complicated and expensive process. Before starting it, you need to study the market carefully, understand how filled your niche is and identify the leading competitors. Often this takes a lot of time and effort, so web research service comes to the rescue. They allow you to make a more detailed overview of the market, identify the most critical points and save your time.

Our company provides a large number of data research services. The choice depends on the real needs of the client. So, you can contact specialists, explain your needs, and they will help you find what you need.

Among the most popular online research services are:

  • Smart hands;
  • Study of the competitors;
  • Venture analysis;
  • Development of a dataset;
  • SERM check.

Each of these database building services has its characteristics. So, for example, the study of competitors involves a complete analysis of your rivals’ work. Based on the information received, you can identify their weaknesses or strengths.

Smart hands involve creating web research projects in which many specialists participate to collect information as possible on a given topic. It is used when the amount of work is large enough and the time to complete it is limited.

Venture analysis is needed for those who want to receive investments. So, experts study information about which projects are most often invested in and check how your project meets the existing market requirements.

Dataset mining is the simplest and most popular data mining service. It involves systematic daily work to collect new helpful information (news, new competitors, market situations, and others) for your project.

A SERM check is used if your site suddenly starts losing traffic or your marketing program is not working. In this case, the main task is understanding the problem and how it can be fixed.

Data Processing Services

When you have large amounts of information, it can be challenging to work with it. In this case, the data processing company comes to the rescue. It can get the job done without negatively impacting the final product or info output. Entrust this work to professionals to get the best result.

Online data processing is a rather complicated task that involves going through 6 steps:

  • Collection of information;
  • Preparation;
  • Input;
  • Treatment;
  • Conclusion/interpretation;
  • Storage.

Each of these stages is important enough; a mistake in each can lead to problems. That is why many companies choose data processing outsourcing. Thus, you can devote more time and effort to other important tasks.

It is also worth paying attention to the services of data verification companies. It is imperative that all information is honest and up to date; otherwise, it may lead to decisions based on poor quality information. Sometimes this leads to unpredictable consequences.

It is worth saying that the data processing business is developing rapidly; many new tools help get the job done even faster and better. Our specialists closely follow all the novelties on the market to provide their customers with even more effective services.

Data Cleansing

Many duplicates, inaccurate, incorrectly formatted, or corrupted information often appear in the database. In this case, a data cleansing company comes to the rescue, and it can put things in order and remove all unnecessary information. Our specialists are accustomed to working with large databases and have the tools to complete large amounts of work in the shortest possible time.

To make it easier for your employees to work with large databases, it makes sense to clean them up. Data hygiene services involve going through several stages:

  • Removal of duplicate and irrelevant observations;
  • Correction of structural errors;
  • Filtering out unwanted emissions;
  • Processing of missing information;
  • Checking and quality control.

Each of these stages is of great importance. Data scrubbing services will allow you to work with only the most up-to-date and verified information without repetitions, irrelevant observations, and structural errors. It will speed up and simplify the work with the database and make the right decisions.

Data cleaning services are one of the main directions in our company’s work. Our specialists are well aware of the specifics of this task, and they can perform it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Also, you can order outsourced data processing, allowing you to manage the necessary information even better. Practice shows that without accurately structured databases, a company cannot develop quickly and harmoniously, regardless of the industry in which it operates.

Our data cleaning company is ready to take both one-time orders and cooperate on an ongoing basis. Most of the clients who once tried our database cleaning services returned, as they managed to appreciate all the benefits of cooperation with our specialists. Experts always consider clients’ personal wishes, pay attention to possible wishes, perform their work quickly and efficiently, and at the same time do not charge too much.

Data Mining Services

Collecting and analyzing information is a reasonably complex job that requires a lot of patience and time. However, the report allows you to make the right decisions to grow your business. Various data mining service providers can do the job for you as quickly, efficiently, and, most importantly, not expensive.

Optionally, you may outsource data mining services. This solution has 2 advantages: firstly, you can save time, and secondly, you may get a better result than if you did it yourself.

The specialists of our company are ready to take on various data mining outsourcing projects. Among the most common is intellectual analysis:

  • Web-information;
  • In social networks;
  • Online market and some more.

Data structuring allows you to filter out unnecessary information and create the most structured report that is very easy to analyze. Thanks to data mining solutions, you can get the necessary information and, based on this, make the right decisions to develop your business, change your PR strategy, introduce new technologies, and much more.

Data Structuring services

Working with information is a rather complicated process requiring much concentration from specialists. Data structuring services make this process as easy as possible regardless of the database size. So, if you have a large amount of info that needs to be structured, our professionals will do this work for you.

Analytics services are one of the main directions in the Data40 company. So, our specialists collect and analyze a tremendous amount of information. Over the years, we have developed a system that allows you to quickly and easily analyze large amounts of info.

Data structuring outsourcing has several advantages:

  • It saves you time;
  • Work is performed with the highest quality;
  • The cost is low;
  • There is an opportunity to devote time to more important things.

If you are looking for a data structuring solution, the company’s professionals will select the best solution depending on what goals you are pursuing.

Before starting cooperation, you need to understand what goals you are pursuing and which categories you need to pay the most attention to, depending on the information. Data analyst consultants give you all the necessary information about cooperation, consider your wishes, and specialists perform the work as efficiently and well as possible.

As soon as the professionals see the amount of work, they will give you the exact price, which will not change regardless of the circumstances. You also receive precise deadlines for completing work without delays and overpayments. Professionals with extensive experience working here are ready to fulfill even the most complex order in the shortest possible time.

Data Annotation Services

Labeling unstructured information for training machine learning models is called data annotation. It takes a lot of time and effort and requires specific knowledge. That is why we recommend ordering annotation services. Our experts can cope with a large amount of work in a short time.

Today there are a large number of industries that need data annotation services for machine learning:

  • Health care;
  • Finance;
  • Insurance;
  • Commerce;
  • Agriculture;
  • Social networks and many others.

So, practically no matter what your company specializes in, data annotators become reliable partners for you. They help prepare your databases so that the machine learning process is as quick and easy as possible.

In the process of working, a data annotation company must go through several critical stages:

  • Expert advice;
  • Training;
  • Customization of the workflow;
  • Feedback loop;
  • Grade.

Additionally, you can order a data verification service to ensure that all the information in your database is up-to-date and valid. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult for you to make the right decisions.

Today there are many companies on the market that provide annotation service. Cooperation with our specialists has several advantages:

  • Low cost of services;
  • High speed of work execution;
  • Big team;
  • Extensive work experience;
  • Good customer reviews.

Our company has been working with information for more than a year, has extensive experience and has completed hundreds of orders. During our existence, we have developed a transparent system of work. So, after you contact our specialists, we will analyze the data received and decide how long it takes and how much it will cost. Regardless of what processes will take place within the company, you can be sure that the work will be delivered on time and you will not pay a single extra cent.

Data Entry Services

For a large company to work stably, it must have access to up-to-date information. But working with databases usually takes a lot of time and effort. Data entry service providers will help you get only the most accurate information and take on this complex monotonous work.

If you do not want to waste time and effort on monotonous work, then you will need the help of a data entry provider. Our specialists provide the following services:

  • Online input of information;
  • Autonomous;
  • The documents;
  • From HTML Pages/PDF;
  • Images;
  • Polls.

If you are looking for new data entry solutions, our specialists will develop them for your needs, depending on the specifics of your work, actual needs, and wishes. Our specialists always try to find an individual approach to their clients, which allows them to achieve the best result.

If you wish, you can additionally order data annotation services. It is suitable for companies that use innovative machine learning technologies but do not want to spend time working with databases.

Our data entry services company can constantly search the Internet for the necessary information, work with existing databases and create new ones. It is essential to continually replenish your customer base, expand the list of goods and services, and develop more efficiently.

Data entry services in our company have several significant advantages:

  • 99% accuracy;
  • Increased security;
  • Timely delivery of the order;
  • A large team of professionals works here, which allows us to fulfill large orders in a short time.

When placing an order, our specialists estimate how long it takes to complete tasks and calculate the exact cost of services. If you wish, you can make a one-time order or cooperate with our specialists on an ongoing basis. In the second case, you will always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Data Collection Services

Before starting your project (especially in IT), you need to study the market carefully: understand how filled your niche is, identify competitors and collect as much information as possible on them to analyze their activity. This process is complicated and requires additional knowledge and a large margin of time. Our data collection agency will be a real helper for you. Good specialists work here who will not only collect the necessary information but also systematize it competently.

Our company provides a wide range of online data collection services. Among the most popular web research services are:

  1. Smart Hands. Suitable for large projects where a lot of manual work needs to be done.
  2. Competitor Research Survey. Allows you to create a list of competitors and understand the principle of their activity, advantages, and disadvantages.
  3. Venture analysis. They allow you to evaluate venture investments in your industry and understand whether you can count on them.
  4. Dataset development.
  5. SERM Check. Allows you to understand why traffic on your site is plummeting or marketing programs are not working well.

If you are looking for a data collection solution, we advise you to contact professionals for help. They have extensive experience in this industry, listen to the client’s wishes, and strive to do their job well. Data collection services outsourcing allows you to significantly speed up the work and reduce the time for developing an IT product, which means you can save a lot of money.

Database Building Services

Sometimes, to make crucial decisions, it is necessary to have complete information on a given topic. In this case, the services of our database development company will help you. The specialists of the company will collect all the necessary info and systematize it so that it is easier for you to analyze it.

Periodic solutions

At Data40, we offer a range of periodic solutions to help businesses stay ahead of the curve. Our services provide regular updates and data replenishment, ensuring that you always have the information you need to make cognizant decisions.

Our periodic solutions include:

  • Periodic Data Collecting

    The data40 team is pleased to offer a powerful new service to our clients: Periodic Data Collecting. This service is designed to help businesses stay on top of the latest trends, insights, and market developments by collecting data on a regular basis.

    With Periodic Data Collecting, our team of experts will work closely with you to gather the specific data you need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Whether it’s monitoring news streams, tracking marketing activities, compiling weekly digests, or keeping an eye on the activities of your competitors, we’ve got you covered.

    Our Periodic Data Collecting service includes a range of features to ensure that you have the information you need, when you need it. These include:

    • Regular data collection: Our team will work with you to establish a schedule for collecting data that meets your needs. This could be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your requirements.
    • Constant replenishment of the database: We’ll ensure that your data is always up-to-date by constantly replenishing your database with new information.
    • Customized approach: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer a customized approach to Periodic Data Collecting. Our team will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor our service to meet them.
    • Quality assurance: Our service includes all-inclusive customer support and quality assurance, ensuring that you receive high-quality services at all times.
    • Hourly based rates: We are focusing on optimizing our clients spends, so we will aim to get best value on lowest amount of time, and clients pay precise hour/rates without any additional margin.

    If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of the latest trends and insights, the data40 team’s Periodic Data Collecting service is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more and to get started.

  • Periodic Research

    The data40 team is offering a high-capacity new service to our clients: Periodic Research. This service is designed to help businesses stay ahead of the curve by providing regular, in-depth market research on a monthly or quarterly basis.

    Periodic Research goes beyond simple data gathering and monitoring. Our team of experts will work closely with you to gather and analyze data, providing meaningful insights and recommendations to help you make informed decisions. Whether it’s tracking changes in consumer behavior, monitoring the activities of your competitors, or keeping an eye on the latest market trends, we’ve got you covered.

    • Our Periodic Research service includes a range of features to ensure that you have the information you need to stay ahead of the curve. These include:
    • Regular research: Our team will work with you to establish a schedule for research that meets your needs. This could be monthly or quarterly, depending on your requirements.
    • Analytics and insights: Our team of experts will analyze the data we gather and provide meaningful insights and recommendations to help you make informed decisions.
    • Personalized service: We recognize that every business has unique requirements, that’s why we offer a tailored approach to Periodic Research. Our team will collaborate closely with you to comprehend your specific needs and adjust our service accordingly
    • Quality guarantee: Our service encompasses comprehensive customer support and quality control, to ensure you receive top-notch services at all times.
    • Pay-per-hour pricing: Our goal is to optimize our clients’ expenses, by providing the best value for the least amount of time. Clients are charged on an hourly basis, without any additional fees.

    If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of the latest trends and insights, the data40 team’s Periodic Research service is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more and to get started.

  • Periodic Reports

    The data40 team is proud to present our latest service offering: Periodic Reports. This service is designed to provide businesses with regular, comprehensive reports on their market, competition, and performance.

    Periodic Reports go beyond simple data collection and analysis. Our team of experts will gather and analyze data specific to your business and its industry, providing insights and recommendations for growth and improvement. We will also tailor the report in a way that can be easily understood by non-experts and 3rd parties, making it a valuable resource for presentations and decision making.

    • Our Periodic Reports service includes a range of features to ensure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions. These include:
    • Regular reporting: Our team will work with you to establish a schedule for reporting that meets your needs. This could be monthly or quarterly, depending on your requirements.
    • Customized to your business: We will gather and analyze data specific to your business and its industry, providing insights and recommendations for growth and improvement.
    • Business-friendly presentation: We will present the information in a way that can be easily understood by non-experts and 3rd parties, making it a valuable resource for presentations and decision making.
    • Quality assurance: Our service includes all-inclusive customer support and quality assurance, ensuring that you receive high-quality services at all times.
    • Pay-per-hour pricing: Our goal is to optimize our clients’ expenses, by providing the best value for the least amount of time. Clients are charged on an hourly basis, without any additional fees.

    If you’re looking for regular, comprehensive reports on your market, competition, and performance, the data40 team’s Periodic Reports service is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more and to get started.

Our expertise extends across a range of industries, including:

  • Gaming/GameDev Industry;
  • Gambling/Betting;
  • Venture/Investment;
  • Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies.

We also have experience in other areas and can provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs.

At Data40, we understand that every business is unique, offering a tailored approach with our periodic solutions. The cost of our services is calculated individually and depends on factors such as the required amounts of data, the number of employees involved, and the time spent on order execution. Find out more about our pricing on our website or by contacting us directly.

We employ a variety of ethical and reliable approaches to collect and analyze data for our clients. Our team of experts conducts open data searches, leverages specialized databases, solicits expert opinions, and employs custom parsers to discover and collect technical data. We use a combination of automated and manual techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our data, and we always take great care to protect the privacy and security of our clients’ information. Our rigorous approach to data collection and analysis ensures that we provide our clients with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. Contact us today to learn more about how our periodic solutions can help your business stay ahead of the curve.

Private Analytics: Private Research on Client-Specified Topics

The Data40 project team performs private studies on the subject requested by the customer. All results of such research are sent to the ordering client and are never shared with third parties.

Private Research Types

  • Exploratory Research – superficial review and collection of information on a specific topic;
  • Descriptive Research – in-depth data collection and extended review of a specific topic that includes basic analytical conclusions drawn from the gathered data;
  • Analytical Research – in-depth data collection and comprehensive review of a specific topic. A complete study of the information collected with the view of revealing patterns and formulating analytical reports.

Research Methodology

  • Survey – an online or offline consumer survey or questionnaire on a given topic;
  • Information analysis – processing and analysis of dataset(s) received from the customer;
  • Experimentation – conducting online and offline experiments on a given topic;
  • Observation – obtaining data by observing the behavior of a specific group of people;
  • Expert evaluation – obtaining expert opinion on a given topic by means of interviews and surveys of key representatives of a certain field.

Data Collection Methodology

  • Primary: manual and computer-based collection of raw data from various online and offline sources;
  • Secondary: search for and processing of ready-made data sets from completed studies, customer data, etc.

If you want to order a private study, please contact us here: Contacts Page

Why Choose Data40 as Your Analysis Company?

Today there are many data analytics services companies, each offering different terms of cooperation. Among the main advantages of Data40 are:

  • High speed of work;
  • Large professional team;
  • Low-cost data analysis services;
  • Many successful projects completed;
  • All wishes of the client are taken into account and much more.

The company has been on the market for more than a year and has managed to develop the best conditions for analytics services for businesses. It does not matter what industry your company operates in or what information you need to collect and analyze. Our specialists will make every effort to do their job quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, you can order data managed services here, allowing your project to develop even faster.

Working with information requires a lot of time, patience, and specific knowledge; it makes sense to outsource data analysis services. In this case, you can devote more time and attention to critical business matters.

Our Approach to Analysis

If you are looking for a simple and reliable data analytics solution, our company is ready to provide it to you.

Over the years of work in data analytic consulting, we have developed our approach to working with a large amount of info, which many of our clients have already seen.

Big data analysis services include deep info collection and a comprehensive overview of a particular topic. A complete study of the collected information is used to identify patterns and draw analytical reports. In our work, we use the following research methods:

  • Interview;
  • Parsing of info received from the customer;
  • Experiment;
  • Surveillance;
  • Expert review.

Thanks to statistical analysis services, we can get the most accurate info, not just an assumption, which helps clients make the most effective decisions for the harmonious development of their business. Here we can identify the market’s actual state and potential customer’s needs, which means that you can offer them exactly what they want to see.

Powerful data. Strong Solutions Connect our data with your and other sources to reveal a holistic picture of your customer and market. Contact us
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