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Best PS VR Games: Sales and Downloads [2024]

10 Mar, 2024
Written by
Bayan Ualikhanova
Bayan Ualikhanova
Reviewed by
Aigerim Ercik
Aigerim Ercik
Best Selling RPGs: Ultimate List Ranked by Revenue [2024]

The PlayStation VR (PS VR) has been a transformative force in the gaming world since its introduction, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of immersive gaming experiences. Born from Sony’s vision to blend the high-quality gaming experiences PlayStation is known for with the burgeoning technology of virtual reality, PS VR games has successfully bridged the gap between traditional console gaming and the immersive world of VR. The development journey of PS VR was fueled by a desire to create a platform that was both accessible and powerful, offering gamers the chance to step inside their favorite games like never before. This commitment to innovation, combined with PlayStation’s robust gaming ecosystem, paved the way for a device that was not just a peripheral but a new way to experience gaming.

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Rank Company Genre Developer Publisher Platform Release Date Sales
1 Beat Saber Beat Saber Rhythm game Oculus Development Team Oculus VR Meta Quest, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 May 21, 2019 >40M Units
2 Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil 7 Survival Horror Capcom Capcom PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Google Stadia January 24, 2017 >13M Units
3 Skyrim VR Skyrim VR RPG Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks PlayStation 4 November 17, 2017 >1M Units
4 Superhot VR Superhot VR FPS SUPERHOT Team SUPERHOT Team PlayStation 4 December 5, 2016 >2M Units
5 Astro Bot Astro Bot Platform Japan Studio Sony Interactive Entertainment PlayStation 4 October 2, 2018 >1M Units
6 Arizona Sunshine Arizona Sunshine - - - - - -
7 Job Simulator Job Simulator - - - - - -
8 Firewall Zero Hour Firewall Zero Hour - - - - - -
9 Blood and Truth Blood and Truth - - - - - -
10 Moss Moss - - - - - -

PS VR’s popularity among gamers can be attributed to several key factors. First and foremost is its seamless integration with the existing PlayStation hardware, making high-quality VR gaming accessible to the masses without the need for expensive PC setups. Additionally, the platform has been supported by a wide array of titles from both indie developers and major studios, ensuring a rich and diverse library of games that cater to all tastes and preferences. The immersive nature of VR gaming, coupled with Sony’s emphasis on comfort and user experience, has made PS VR games a favorite among gamers. In the following article, we will delve into the top-grossing PS VR titles that have captivated audiences worldwide. From adrenaline-pumping action to enchanting adventures, these games exemplify the creative possibilities of VR gaming and the reasons behind the platform’s enduring appeal.

Best PS VR Games: Ranked by Revenue

Beat Saber

  • Developer: Beat Games
  • Release Date: May 1, 2018
  • Revenue: $100 million
  • Downloads: 4 million

Beat Saber stands as a testament to the compelling nature of VR gaming, combining rhythm and action in a way that’s both intuitive and exhilarating. Players find themselves immersed in a neon-lit world, slicing through blocks to the beat of a pulsating soundtrack, making it an addictive experience for a wide range of gamers. The game’s simplicity belies its depth, offering a physicality that’s both engaging and workout-inducing. Regular updates and an ever-expanding library of tracks have kept the community active and engaged, cementing its place as the top-grossing PS VR title. Beat Saber’s modding community has also played a significant role in its longevity, introducing custom songs and challenges that keep the experience fresh and exciting. The game’s success has highlighted the potential of VR to transform traditional gaming genres, offering a new level of immersion and interactivity.

Resident Evil 7

  • Developer: Capcom
  • Release Date: January 24, 2017
  • Revenue: $50 million
  • Downloads: 2 million

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard took the horror gaming genre to new heights with its VR adaptation, delivering an experience that’s both terrifyingly immersive and uncomfortably personal. The game’s first-person perspective in VR makes the horror elements more intense, creating a visceral sense of dread and fear. Its gripping narrative, combined with the claustrophobic atmosphere of the Baker family’s plantation, offers a deeply engaging story that keeps players on the edge of their seats. The success of Resident Evil 7 in VR showcases the platform’s ability to enhance traditional gaming experiences, providing a new level of emotional and psychological engagement. The game’s innovative use of VR mechanics, such as head tracking to peek around corners, adds a layer of strategy and realism to the gameplay. This title not only reinvigorated the Resident Evil franchise but also set a new standard for horror games in VR.

Skyrim VR

  • Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
  • Release Date: November 17, 2017
  • Revenue: $30 million
  • Downloads: 1.2 million

Skyrim VR brought the beloved open-world fantasy of Tamriel to life in a way that was previously unimaginable. The transition of Skyrim into VR allowed players to experience the vast landscapes, towering dragons, and intricate dungeons in full immersion. This VR adaptation added a new dimension to the exploration and combat mechanics, making every sword swing and spell cast more impactful. The sense of scale and depth in the VR version added to the awe-inspiring moments, from gazing upon the Throat of the World to delving into ancient Nordic ruins. Skyrim VR’s success lies in its ability to maintain the core elements that fans loved while seamlessly integrating VR’s immersive capabilities. The game’s extensive modding support further extended its lifespan, allowing the community to introduce new content and enhancements. Skyrim VR is a shining example of how classic games can find new life and audiences through VR technology.

Superhot VR

  • Developer: Superhot Team
  • Release Date: December 25, 2016
  • Revenue: $25 million
  • Downloads: 800,000

Superhot VR reimagines the first-person shooter genre with a unique mechanic where time moves only when you do. This concept elevates the strategic aspect of the game, turning each level into a puzzle of movement and action. The stark, minimalist aesthetic not only serves the game’s distinctive style but also highlights the fluidity and precision of the VR gameplay. Players find themselves choreographing complex sequences of movements to dodge bullets and take down enemies, offering a blend of exhilaration and satisfaction. The game’s innovative approach and replayability have contributed to its significant commercial success. Superhot VR’s design philosophy demonstrates the potential for VR to innovate on traditional gameplay mechanics, creating experiences that are both intellectually stimulating and physically engaging.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission

  • Developer: Japan Studio’s ASOBI! Team
  • Release Date: October 2, 2018
  • Revenue: $20 million
  • Downloads: 1.5 million

Astro Bot Rescue Mission captures the hearts of players with its charming protagonist and inventive platforming gameplay. The game takes full advantage of the VR medium to create intricate levels that wrap around the player, offering a sense of depth and scale that’s unparalleled in traditional platformers. The interaction between the player and Astro, the game’s robot hero, creates a bond that enhances the emotional investment in the gameplay. The game’s clever use of perspective and spatial puzzles showcases the unique possibilities of VR, pushing the boundaries of what’s expected from platforming titles. Astro Bot’s success has not only demonstrated the viability of family-friendly games in VR but also highlighted the importance of character and creativity in driving engagement and sales.

Arizona Sunshine

  • Developer: Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive
  • Release Date: December 6, 2016
  • Revenue: Estimated $20 million
  • Downloads: 800,000

Arizona Sunshine stands as a beacon of the VR genre, skillfully transplanting the thrill of a zombie apocalypse into the immersive world of virtual reality. The game offers a compelling blend of exploration, survival, and combat, set against the backdrop of a sun-scorched Southwestern United States overrun by zombies. The intuitive VR controls and realistic weapon handling amplify the tension and excitement of navigating through hordes of the undead. Arizona Sunshine’s narrative-driven campaign and cooperative gameplay modes have fostered a strong community of players, contributing to its commercial success. The game’s vivid environments and attention to detail enhance the sense of presence, making each playthrough a unique and engaging experience. Arizona Sunshine has set a high standard for VR shooters, proving that a well-crafted narrative and immersive gameplay can lead to significant success in the VR market.

Job Simulator

  • Developer: Owlchemy Labs
  • Release Date: April 5, 2016
  • Revenue: $18 million
  • Downloads: 1 million

Job Simulator offers a humorous and imaginative take on the mundanity of everyday jobs by reimagining them in a world run by robots. This game capitalizes on the novelty of VR to turn ordinary tasks into a playground of interactive possibilities. Its success is driven by the game’s ability to blend humor with the immersive and tactile nature of VR, creating a family-friendly experience that’s accessible to players of all ages. The open-ended gameplay encourages creativity and experimentation, leading to endless hours of entertainment. Job Simulator’s enduring popularity is a testament to the game’s innovative use of VR technology, showcasing the potential for virtual reality to transform even the simplest concepts into captivating experiences. The game has become a staple in the VR community, often serving as an introductory experience for new VR users due to its intuitive controls and engaging mechanics.

Firewall Zero Hour

  • Developer: First Contact Entertainment
  • Release Date: August 28, 2018
  • Revenue: $10 million
  • Downloads: 600,000

Firewall Zero Hour has redefined the scope of multiplayer tactical shooters within the realm of VR, delivering an experience that emphasizes strategy, communication, and teamwork. The game’s immersive VR gameplay and realistic environments pull players into intense, cooperative missions where every decision and movement can be crucial to success. Its dedication to creating a realistic tactical shooter experience in VR has garnered a dedicated following and critical acclaim. The strategic depth and replayability offered by Firewall Zero Hour showcase the potential of VR to enhance multiplayer gaming, creating a sense of camaraderie and presence that’s unparalleled in traditional gaming. The game’s success is a clear indication of the appetite for more complex and engaging VR experiences that push the boundaries of what multiplayer games can achieve in virtual reality.

Blood & Truth

  • Developer: SIE London Studio
  • Release Date: May 28, 2019
  • Revenue: $8 million
  • Downloads: 400,000

Blood & Truth transports players into the heart of a modern action movie, combining the thrill of blockbuster cinematic sequences with the immersive interactivity of VR. Set in London’s criminal underworld, the game offers a gripping narrative that’s enhanced by its VR presentation, allowing players to engage in shootouts, high-speed chases, and daring escapes. The game’s high production values and attention to detail create a convincing and engaging world, making every mission feel like a critical part of a larger, unfolding story. Blood & Truth’s success demonstrates the potential for narrative-driven games in VR, highlighting the importance of storytelling in creating compelling virtual experiences. The game has been praised for its innovative use of VR to enhance gameplay mechanics, such as reloading and weapon handling, adding a layer of realism and satisfaction to the action.


  • Developer: Polyarc
  • Release Date: February 27, 2018
  • Revenue: $5 million
  • Downloads: 500,000

Moss invites players into a beautifully crafted fairy tale world, offering an emotional and captivating adventure alongside its protagonist, a brave mouse named Quill. The game’s innovative use of VR allows players to interact with the environment in meaningful ways, solving puzzles and aiding Quill on her journey. The bond between the player and Quill is central to the Moss experience, creating a unique dynamic that enhances the emotional depth of the story. The game’s lush environments and attention to detail bring the world of Moss to life, making every nook and cranny worth exploring. Moss’s critical and commercial success underscores the potential for VR to create intimate and emotionally resonant storytelling experiences

Future Trends in PS VR Gaming

As we look to the horizon, the future of PS VR gaming promises an array of innovations that will further redefine the boundaries of immersive gaming. With advancements in technology and a deeper understanding of what gamers seek from virtual reality experiences, we are poised to enter a new era of PS VR gaming that blends the real and the virtual in unprecedented ways.

One significant trend is the move towards more lifelike and interactive virtual environments. As hardware capabilities continue to evolve, we can expect PS VR games to offer increasingly realistic graphics and physics, allowing for environments that are not only visually stunning but also respond dynamically to player actions. This leap in environmental interactivity will enhance the feeling of presence within virtual worlds, making gaming experiences more engaging and immersive.

Another trend is the integration of social and multiplayer aspects into VR gaming. With the rise of online gaming communities, future PS VR titles are likely to emphasize shared experiences, allowing players to connect, collaborate, and compete in virtual spaces. This social dimension will transform the traditionally solitary VR experience into a communal one, opening up new possibilities for gameplay and storytelling.

We’re also seeing the emergence of cross-reality (XR) experiences, where the lines between virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality blur. This convergence will enable new types of games that can overlay virtual elements onto the real world or vice versa, offering a seamless blend of physical and digital gameplay elements. Such XR experiences could revolutionize location-based gaming, turning everyday spaces into stages for extraordinary adventures.

Moreover, advancements in haptic feedback and motion tracking technology will lead to more intuitive and natural interactions within VR games. Future PS VR controllers and accessories might replicate the textures, temperatures, and resistances of virtual objects, providing a tactile dimension to VR that enhances the overall sense of realism. Improved motion tracking will allow for more precise and fluid movements, making the virtual avatars an extension of the player’s body.

Lastly, we can anticipate the rise of adaptive and personalized gaming experiences powered by artificial intelligence. AI could tailor game narratives, challenges, and environments to individual player preferences and skill levels, creating a truly customized gaming journey. This personalization will not only enhance player engagement but also make VR gaming more accessible to a broader audience.

As PS VR continues to evolve, these trends point towards a future where virtual reality gaming becomes an even more integral part of our digital lives, offering experiences that are increasingly immersive, social, and personalized. The potential for innovation is boundless, promising to captivate the next generation of gamers with worlds beyond imagination.


  1. Do I need a PS4 or PS5 to use PS VR?

Yes, PS VR is designed to work with PlayStation consoles. You will need either a PS4 or PS5 console to use the PS VR headset and play VR games.

  1. Is PS VR suitable for all ages?

PS VR is generally suitable for ages 12 and up, but it’s important to consider the content of individual VR games, which may have their own age ratings. Always check the game’s rating and ensure it’s appropriate for the player’s age.

  1. Can VR gaming cause motion sickness?

Some players may experience motion sickness while playing VR games due to the immersive nature of the technology. However, many games offer settings to reduce motion sickness, and gradually increasing playtime can help your body adjust to VR gaming.

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